Brand Strategy Session


This service includes: Ideas for Brand name, tagline, and products or service your can offer or variations of what you already offer.

If you already have a brand name then the session will be more focused on growing your business.  Market research for your business so you can best reach your audience, and 5 long tail keywords you can create content around to help rank your posts on Google.

If you live in a metropolitan area and are providing something to that area we’ll also include ideas and research for local audiences (which are sometimes much easier target), and also any other ideas we may have that will help your business grow!

Brand strategy sessions are basically a clear implementable plan of action for your business growth.

Once you purchase this listing please check the NOTES section on the invoice that is emailed to you for instructions, and we’ll arrange a time to connect via skype or facebook.  It can be a video call or voice only call, whatever you prefer.
