Build Your Own Universal Drill Battery Charger
You can learn how to build your own universal battery charger, which will work for a variety of batteries and will also answer some of the most common questions I’ve had, plus an introduction to other types of Lithium-Ion Battery charger boards, and kits that might better suit your needs.
Fixing an EA Fault on a Worcester Bosch Boiler
It’s easier than you think!
DIY Universal Lithium Ion Battery Charger
You can grab all the parts for this in my shop here.
Soldering Copper Pipes without Huge Blow Torch
Quick way to solder pipes without using tones of gas and a giant blow torch.
How To Use A Pipe Bender On Copper Pipes
How to gauge and bend the perfect bend.
Automatic Wire Stripper, FAST!
Clever trick to strip wires fast and join them withint seconds!
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